What is it about homework ? Why is it always such a big issue? Clearly, homework is for the child to do at home. Not the parents, siblings, or perhaps the relative or nanny. It appears to be a rather simple concept I thought .... Or is it?
As a parent I have spent many an hour trying to think up ways of explaining why homework could be seen as an opportunity, how important it is to do etc , etc. This was met with many reactions, yes, things like ... in your world maybe, dreams are free, I'm tired, even, go away and leave me alone I don't like you. It became clear to me that I was stressing about my child's homework more than he was. I had to find a new angle if I wanted to have a good nights sleep.
Trying to get homework done isn't always a pleasant task. We have to try not to turn homework into a chore. No child responds well when they have to do something. Children have not yet learned to respond well under pressure and it usually turns into a refusal to do it. It isn't good enough to say 'because you have to' in a child's mind this does not seem good enough. With these tips, you can persuade children to do their homework without any fuss and head towards a place where they are eager to be in pursuit of knowledge.
Before discussing ways you can assist your child with homework, it's probably a good time to mention why teachers assign homework in the first place.
There are many reasons. Homework can assist children to;
Review and practice what they have learned.
Get ready for the next day's class.
Explore subjects more fully than time permits in the classroom.
Encourage children to explore and use resources, such as reference materials, their school and community libraries. Safe sites on the internet.
Homework can assist in teaching your child in working independently, encourages good habits and organisation.
Homework can also assist in parents communicating with their children on a more diverse level, whilst encouraging parents and educators to work together.
How can you help? Show your children that you think education and homework are important.
Tomorrow, I'll start posting some tips I've found both positive and useful. I'd love to hear what ideas, strategies you may have used to get over this 'hump' known as homework. More heads are better than one. So leave me comments with your best tips.
In Learning